Sunday, March 6, 2011

Home, End & Backspace keys and more on Mac Book Pro

I have purchased a Mac Book Pro, MBP henceforth, and I am pretty pleased with the system and Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.6)

However within few days I have started missing Home, End and Backspace keys.

MBP Keyboard for reference:

Few key symbols from & related to MBP keyboard:

Trying out various combinations I came to know that:
- delete is actually a backspace!!!
- so where is del key, that we are so used to on Windows? It is fn + delete
- What about Home? try out fn + left arrow
- what about End? try out fn + right arrow
- Page up? fn + up arrow or control + shift + space
- Page down? fn + down arrow or control + space

- ⌥ this funny looking character is actually an options key, here for some interesting uses of options key, I like the one about selecting an application with options key, press options key and mouse click ensures only that selected app's windows is visible. Cool

- copy ==> command + c
- paste ==> command + v
- cut ==> command + x
- undo ==> command + z
- find ==> command + space (this launches spotlight search utility)
- find ==> option + command + space (launches a new finder window to search in the system)

- command + f3 ==> shows desktop
- command + tab ==> select application you want to switch to, like alt+tab on windows
- fn + f9 ==> shows all windows open in dashboard view, Expose is the feature
- control + f3 ==> shows all windows of the current application (note current)
- fn + f8 ==> shows all spaces, see here for details
- fn + f12 ==> brings up widget dashboard, see here for details
- fn + f10 ==> switch between various windows of open applications

Some of the common keyboard shortcuts are documented here

I will stop this investigation here for today and will continue as I discover more :)

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