Saturday, April 23, 2011

IP address can now pin down your location to within a half mile

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog—but they might now have an easy time finding your kennel.

In a research paper and technical report presented at the USENIX Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NDSI) conference at the beginning of April, researchers from Northwestern University presented new methods for estimating the exact physical location of an IP address tens or hundreds of times more accurately than previously thought possible. The technique builds on existing approaches but adds a new element: it uses local businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions as landmarks, helping it achieve a median accuracy of just 690m—less than half a mile.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stack for recent applications

Here is one of the tips to create a stack of recently used applications. Type this on terminal:

defaults write persistent-others -array-add '{ "tile-data" = { "list-type" = 1; }; "tile-type" = "recents-tile"; }'
killall Dock

The result:

Moving files within Finder windows

Generally if you drag & drop files across disks on Mac Finder window they are copied and not moved. But there is no Ctrl-X Ctrl-V kind of short cut to cut paste the files.
To cut-paste (move) press Command key and drag & drop files.

Full path in Finder windows on Mac OS X

To display the full path in finder window type this on terminal
defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES
killall Finder

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Grand Central Dispatch: Exciting or Overhyped?

Grand Central Dispatch is one of the most hyped parts of OS X 10.6. In this article, David Chisnall looks at the framework to see how much of the hype is justified.
